Title: Garret, the Salesman: The Giant

Length: 4 min

Genre: Horror Comedy

Age rating: 6 Years

Platforms: Youtube

Publication date: March, 28 2023

Production time: 1 month

Languages: English

Render time: 1 week

Render engine: Cycles X

Involved Artists

Tim Masin



This short film is about a greedy insurance salesman who wants to sell everyone, no matter how poor, a shady and overpriced insurance policy. This time he tries it with a very reclusive, mysterious man who lives in an abandoned forest and when he gets there, he realizes that everything seems to be significantly larger than him.

I tried to make everything a little over the top and absurd. I was inspired by the style of Tim Burton’s films and Danny Elfman’s music.

The film was entirely made in Blender and rendered with Cycles. The rendering time was about one week using two computers. Every frame was rendered with 1200 samples and motion blur was added afterwards in the compositor.


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