Title: A normal future day
Length: 14 min
Genre: Comedy
Age rating: 12 Years
Platforms: Youtube
Publication date: Juli, 16 2023
Production time: 2 months
Languages: English
Render time: 2 weeks
Render engine: Cycles X
Soundtrack: Autumn Pizzicato
Artist: Veaceslav Draganov
Involved Artists
Tim Masin
Niko Masin
This short film is inspired by a strange dream i had months ago. It is about a somewhat apocalyptic future that is increasingly being taken over by artificial intelligence. The world is flooded with fake news and the robots no longer do what they are supposed to do. All the technology appears to be underdeveloped and at the same time superior to humans.
I tried to make everything a little over the top and absurd. I found the combination of old and new technologies/inventions quite amusing and gave most of it a steampunk touch.
The film was entirely made in Blender and rendered with Cycles. The rendering time was about two weeks using two computers. Most frames were rendered with 2000 samples and motion blur was partly added afterwards in the compositor.