Name: Niko Masin

Age: 29

Country: Germany

Languages: German, English

Role: Scriptwriter

Social Media:


Niko is a filmmaker from Munich, Germany. He studied theatre and film science at the Ludwig Maximilian University, while also gathering expierience as a film critic.

For the last couple of years, Niko is focussed on creating his own film projects – from multiple, already released, music videos to a multitude of upcoming short films. While he is fairly versed in camera handling, cinematic lighting, and other departments, his primary passions lie in scriptwriting, storyboarding, directing and cutting.

Involved Projects:

Die Versuchung

The Work

Niko played the spirit of an old indigenous inhabitant. The aim was to portray someone who is very kind and courteous but seems somewhat peculiar and doesn’t quite fit into the given situation. The biggest challenge was that all participants had to be filmed individually in front of a green screen, making direct interaction among the actors during filming impossible.



Coming Soon

A normal future day

The Work

Niko collaborated in refining the script for both the human news anchor and the ensuing robotic replacement, aiming to amplify the absurdity of the news bulletin.

The objective was to escalate the level of absurdity in the news reports gradually, causing the initially composed anchor to gradually lose interest and composure. As the news items become increasingly nonsensical, the anchor’s sense of detachment grows, leading him to a point where he barely cares about maintaining professionalism. Eventually, overwhelmed by the sheer madness of the reports, he succumbs to a state of apathy and indifference and got replacement by a „flawless“ robot. But with the robot’s inclusion, the absurdity only escalates further.



Coming Soon