Title: Toy Story: A new Beginning

Length: 4,5 min

Genre: Horror Comedy

Age rating: 12 Years

Platforms: Youtube

Publication date: November, 27 2023

Production time: 3 months

Languages: English

Render time: 2 weeks

Render engine: Cycles X

Involved Artists

Tim Masin



Ever wondered how Toy Story would look like as a more adult horror thriller? Well this is my little interpretation of it..

I had the idea for this two years ago and now enough time the last months to make it.

I always found the relationship between the humans and toys in the original films very interesting and now wanted to take it to the extreme and make it totally absurd. An adult baby in a scary house, Woody and Buzz who don’t want to be handled as toys anymore and the desire for revenge were a good starting point. 🙂

It was actually intended as a somewhat unusual Halloween special, but unfortunately I’ve only finished it now due to the effort involved. The production time was around 3 months and rendering time around 2 weeks. Everything was rendered directly in Blender using Cycles X. Most scenes were rendered with 2000 samples. The animation of the characters was a combination of hand animation and motion capturing.


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